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I have tons of Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance games, but I also have PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Nintendo 64, and computer games.


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Don't get this game

Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 21 February 2014 05:59 (A review of Prison Tycoon 2: Maximum Security)

The concept is cool, build a prison, stop riots, hire guards, but it is done terribly. I have played all the prison tycoon games and this one isn't the worst, but it's definitely not the best. Right off the bat in free play mode finding the option to build prison fences is difficult (it's sort of hidden). Also, you get your first prisoners at random, so once you've built your prison your in limbo waiting for your first few inmates to show up. In challenge mode, the game just sucks, period. The challenges are decent but, man does this game get boring. The biggest flaw of all, the one that makes this game only 2/10 is the camera angle and its controls. You're zoomed in really close and after playing this game for 3 hours I could not find a way to zoom out or change the angle. When you're zoomed in as close as this game puts you, construction is hard because you can't see what your overall prison looks like, you see it in chunks. In conclusion, just don't get this game, it is terrible.

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If I could rate this game 0, I would

Posted : 11 years, 1 month ago on 29 August 2013 11:41 (A review of Nerves of Steel)

This game is awful, if there is another worthy contender for "Worst First-Person Shooter of all time" that beats this one, i'd love to see it.

The story is that you're a "Futuristic tunnel rat" in Southeast Asia where countries are planning "A holocaust, the like of which this world has never seen" so you have to stop them by infiltrating their underground tunnel system and annihilating their army. As soon as you start the game you can see where it falls apart, the controls are god-awful, it's hard to explain, you just have to play it once though and you'll get what I mean. I mean, sure this was released in 1995, first person shooters were relativly new, but Doom was released in 1993 and that game had wonderful first-person controls. The first thing you notice about the graphics, is that they're horrible! they walls look like... like... charcoal. no, I can't even describe what these walls look like, so here's a picture:

Just look at it, it's disgusting, it's a disgrace to all games everywhere, and it makes me throw up in my throat a little. The enemies look horrible and so does everything else. The sound effects sound like random MS-DOS/Atari2600 beeps, except for the gunfire sound effects which are terribly generic. I couldn't find a map mechanism (nor do I really think one actually exists in this horrible of a game) so navigation is incredibly hard. I only found two other weapons my whole time playing; a shotgun and what looks like an AK-47 (both have horrible graphics to represent them). A missile that I picked up suggests that there's actually a rocket launcher somewhere in this game, but finding it by running around through these graphics sounds about as appealing as colonoscopy from a glass blower, so I decided I wouldn't look for it.

All in all this game is terrible, I couldn't get pass the first level, even if I hadn't quit do to the horrible controls, disgusting graphics, and atrocious sound effects, it probably would have taken me an hour to beat the level. If you find a copy of this game, burn it, so no one else has to suffer through it's horribleness.

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Shaq-Fu Game Boy Review

Posted : 11 years, 2 months ago on 30 July 2013 07:06 (A review of Shaq-Fu)

The Graphics are good, but this game is just a bit too generic and easy. I've already played the SNES and Genesis versions of this game, so don't think I don't know how bad the originals were.

You turn on the game and you are taken to one of my favorite things; unskippable credits... whoever invented these things is one of my biggest enemies and since the game was programmed by Mark Nicely, I have a new target. At the same time some music that is... actually pretty good, at least by Game Boy standards is playing. After the unstoppable credits finish you are taken to a bizarre frame of Shaq fighting the game boss Sett I say bizarre because it looks like Shaq has a ballerina slipper on. The main menu lists 3 items; SHAQ FU this is the regular game, DUEL MODE I tried this and I really can't tell what it is, and OPTIONS if you don't know what these are, you shouldn't be here. As Soon as I pressed the up button on the menu, I heard what is one of the worst sound effects I have ever heard, if I had head phones on while playing this, I probably would've died. Options are just your typical options and duel mode is stupid, so I just chose the only remaining option "SHAQ FU".

The game started me off with a very... determined looking Shaquille O'Neal is it just me or do his arms look incredibly disfigured? The fighting portion starts and... the graphic aren't too bad. This game has 6 different characters in the "SHAQ FU" mode each more difficult than the last, evolving from humans to aliens to monsters. But this game suffers from one fatal flaw, the same fatal flaw the Primal Rage port on the Game Boy suffered from; you can beat the whole game using one move. Here is the strategy that I beat the entire game with: 1.) Corner your opponent (easy, they usually just flip over you into the corner anyway) 2.) Hold down โ†“ (Down) and keep mashing the B button 3.) If they get out of the corner just face them and keep tapping, they all ways eventually walk up to you 4.) If they shoot some projectile at you hold Down and Right and you'll activate Shaq's shield.

This makes the whole game incredibly easy (If you fight regularly the game gets very repetitive and annoying). I would talk more about each character you fight but... they're all just generic fighting game characters. When you beat the game you are greeted by "Happy Shaq" who looks so incredibly proud of his triumphant victory. when you reach the victory screen you can press any button to take you back to some credits... that you can skip! Holy crap! This game actually does have a prize, it didn't really make this game worth playing but hey, it's something.

I played this game throughout my childhood thinking it was really good (oh God why?) and now looking back on it, it's not as good as I remember it. Playing a fighting game as Shaq and liking it requires a very specific appeal... an appeal for bad games. The controls in this game aren't bad they're actually pretty good, and the graphics aren't terrible either. This game is just too easy and has too many flaws for me to give it a high rating. But hey, deep down in my heart, where ever my childhood is in there, I still have high nostalgia for this game.

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Doom Movie Review

Posted : 11 years, 2 months ago on 29 July 2013 12:08 (A review of Doom)

I feel like this is a good movie, it has flaws but it's not as horrible as some make it out to be. All I want to talk about is what I like, what I hated, and how it lives up to the game.


If you don't know what the movie is about i'll fill you in; at a research facility on Mars some scientists are attacked so several "Space Marines" are deployed to help locate all scientists and recover important research files. Little do they know these monsters and their "disease" have more to them than what meets the eye and the researchers haven't exactly been doing "clean" research.

What I like:

Doom has an easy to follow plot and lots of action scenes, some more cheesy than others, but in general all action scenes were well choreographed. Each character has their own unique personality and you gain a feeling of "I hope he's okay" or "He's better off dead" for each, this is a characteristic of a good movie. Actors do a good job for the most part in this movie, every scene feels realistic enough to make you believe that this really happene... ha ha just kidding. The monsters look really good in this movie and don't look to horribly fake.

What I hate:

I'd like to get this first thing right off my chest: I hate Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson being the antagonist. I just can't picture The Rock being the bad guy instead of acting evil he just acts like a total douche to everybody. I mean he fires guns at innocent civilians, sure that's evil, but, it just doesn't work for him. Also I hate how long the first-person shooting scene goes on for, it's a little gimmicky fun for the first 10 or 15 seconds but after it drags on for feels like a million minutes (excuse my gross exaggeration) it's like: "Come on already, this is getting weird." Also one character accidentally takes the lord's name in vain so like all Christians do, he apologizes and slits his wrist a little... WHAT?!? And then to top it all off, this "Freaky weird cuts himself guy" plot is never explored upon for the rest of the movie.

How it lives up to the game:

Well here's what made the movie fall apart. The plot of the movie loosely follows the game for example: In the game your character was sent to the Mars base as a punishment for assaulting his commanding officer when the officer ordered his troop to fire on civilians. While at what seems to be the most boring job imaginable things go horribly wrong with some experiments and "something fragging evil" comes in through a gateway and infects or kills all scientists. In the movie Karl Urban is part of a team that is called in to help after some scientists are attacked by demonic creatures in a base on Mars. The whole movie has tons of little plots that include: All of the scientists were performing gene mutations on people that wasn't allowed on earth, Karl Urban and his sister in the movie have been mining on the planet since they were kids and their parents were killed there, and the list goes on. The movie is also faithful however, it brings up the BFG-9000 and even has an okay first-person shooter scene but besides that... eh.

Overall it's okay, not horrible, but nothing special. if you love the games this movie would definitely make you happy, but to the common movie goer, it's a little cheesy.

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Doom II Review

Posted : 11 years, 3 months ago on 17 July 2013 03:34 (A review of DOOM II)

This is an amazing game.

That first sentence can sum up this whole review.

One of the reasons that I really love Doom II on the Game Boy Advance is because it's a 99% port of the PC original. This being such a complete port is great because Doom II on the PC is superior to the original Doom on PC in many ways; it's levels are more elaborate, it has the double barrel shotgun and chainsaw, and, I don't know why, but I felt better once I completed this one compared to the original.
The first Doom was ported to the GBA in 2001 it was a good game, but, it was not a complete port of the PC classic it was missing levels and its soundtrack barley resembles the original and sounds bad. Doom II on the other hand was ported so faithfully that there are no differences I can find between it and the PC version (i'm only saying 99% port because I know somebody will comment a whole list of tiny reasons why Doom II on GBA isn't a 100% faithful port of the PC version). Also its graphics are better than the first Doom on GBA; the walls look more like 3D objects as opposed to flat surfaces and the weapons look a little better.
There is only one downside about Doom II, finding a good quality copy for a reasonable price is very hard, at least on the internet. I picked mine up off of some mom selling her son's whole GBA collection individually at a flea market for $4.00 and my copy is in pretty good condition she probably had no idea what she had.
Aside from the high price, Doom II is one of the best first person shooters, scratch that, one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance and is definitely worth picking up if you ever see a copy.

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